It’s not necessarily getting the words out, it’s putting them in the right order. Will. You. Marry. Me. No matter how many times you repeat it in your head, it still comes out sounding funny. You want to stray away from being too cliché, of course, but not too weird that a negative answer is a possibility. At Lover’s Rock we empathise with your mind as it tries to comprehend the enormity of what you’re about to ask your partner.

To make you feel as confident as possible about popping the question, it’s important that you can put your faith in an engagement ring that is both eye-catching and beautiful. That’s where our team of experts come in: we can create bespoke engagement rings in Oxford to your exact requirements.

Getting down on one knee with the engagement ring tacked sticky to your palm is one of life’s most exhilarating and heart-pounding moments. We’re passionate about making this moment even more special with a bespoke engagement ring for your partner in Oxford. Our bespoke service combines our experience in creating engagement rings of different styles with the added ‘Lover’s Rock difference’.

Take a look at the engagement rings we already have for sale to see if something inspires you. Get in contact with us now to find out more.

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